Students Abroad Section

The Students Abroad Section is a component of the University of Karbala Presidency’s Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations.
It removes barriers and gives university staff instructions from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research/Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations, facilitating postgraduate studies outside of Iraq only for university members.
Apart from allocating all study application processes to the several study channels (scholarships, scholarships from the Prime Minister’s Office and the Supreme Committee for Educational Development, study fellowships, study leaves, and the Law Establishing the Equivalence of Arab and Foreign Academic Certificates and Degrees No. 20 of 2020), each study channel has particular criteria.
The division functions as a court of law and is primarily responsible for the following tasks:
1- Issuing letters of no objection to the study.
2- It is necessary to follow up directly with language course participants.
3- Follow up with students in their academic pursuits directly.
4- Giving university instructions for academic extensions when students finish the prerequisites.
5- Follow up with students who receive their graduation certificates in their home country.
6- Provide a letter of approval for the certificate evaluation to graduating students.
7- Follow up with the students, after the Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations of our ministry has issued the certificate evaluation.

Maher Walid Hussein, MA
Director of the Students Abroad Section