Address by Mr. Chief, Missions and Cultural Relations Section

Our department strives to build scientific and cultural bridges with reputable international universities through gradual steps based on solid scientific foundations.
To improve our university staff’s scientific and academic skills, we sent a large number of them to study and perform scientific research outside of Iraq. We have signed Memoranda of Understanding for scientific and cultural cooperation with international scientific and academic institutions to transfer scientific and academic knowledge and maintain continuous communication with scientific developments, as well as transfer academic subjects and advanced teaching and learning methods.
The Study in Iraq program provided many Arab and international students with study opportunities at various levels and specializations (undergraduate and postgraduate) through study fellowships.
We are currently looking to form strategic partnerships and establish international projects with European Union countries that will serve our university’s aspirations and future vision of exchanging experiences and knowledge while also transferring the best educational practices and techniques between universities and educational institutions.
As a result, international partnerships in university education projects are a primary goal that we work hard to achieve because they are an important tool for continuous development and improvement in higher education, as well as promoting cultural exchange and sustainable development on a global level.

Asst. Prof. Haider Muhammed Umran (PH.D.)
Director of Scholarships and Cultural Relations